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The Sunken Place

Overcoming Mid-Life Crisis In Marriage

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“When you’re young in marriage surrounded by strong pillars; Marriage mentors, intercessors and other married couples that believe in the sanctity of marriage…It’s like living in the city surrounded by tall buildings. The wind can’t get to you so easy; it can’t do as much damage, because it’s broken up before it gets to you. However, when you move to the suburbs and leave the protection the pillars/tall buildings offer, the elements get to you much easier causing way more damage than before when the pillars/tall buildings were in place.” 

                                                                                             Gregory Sashington Sr.


Meet the Author

"As a wife of 29 years, mother of 3 wildly successful young adults, and a believer, I’ve engaged, coached and encouraged wives on how to believe Daddy God for a successful & joy filled marriage. I hold a B.A. in Business Management, and professionally, I've spent over 25 years, engaging parents and encouraging them to be safe spaces for their children."

Sarita Sashington is a grace enthusiast, wife coach, family expert and the CEO of Sarita Sashington LLC.  She also founded Daddy's Favorite Ministry where she shares the fullness of God's grace to transform relationships.

Sarita Sashington - Author of "The Sunken Place"

This Book Is For Married Couples

I wrote this book because Mid Life Crisis is real! If it is never identified and never discussed, it will continue to destroy marriages and families. The diagnosis for a marriage in the throes of MLC is dire, devastating, and almost completely without hope! A marriage founded in and on the person of Jesus Christ can have a totally different outcome.   The information here is to  help another spouse know that MLC does not have to be the end of their marriage, but the beginning of a much better marriage.  We made it, and so can they! I want them to know that Daddy God loves them and it is His great pleasure to restore, refresh and renew their marriage. 

What People Are Saying

Sometimes I would surf the web reading about how other married couples solved a situation while my husband laid right next to me. Sarita's book gave me the space to reflect on my actions and the tools to strengthen communication with my spouse. Moreover, Sarita doesn't just recite scripture, she demonstrates how to embed these teachings into your marriage.    -- Summer A., Married 1 year - Washington, DC

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